(!!!!) (Best Pair) ECC84=6CW7 Ultron East Germany by RFT 1970's 1-2% matched (10.2/10.4ma and 10.2/10.6ma)

(!!!!) (Best Pair) ECC84=6CW7 Ultron East Germany by RFT 1970's 1-2% matched (10.2/10.4ma and 10.2/10.6ma)

By Tube World

$ 14.99

1 pair) ECC84=6CW7 Ultron East Germany by RFT 1970's

1 tube) 10.2/10.4ma Gm=5800/6000

1 tube) 10.2/10.6ma Gm=5600/5800


Matched on Amplitrex



See more: vacuum tube
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