(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6U8A Sylvania Gold Brand NOS 1970 era (17.0/16.4ma and 10.2/10.4ma)
(!!) (Recommended Single) 6U8A GE NOS 1977 (14.2ma/10ma)
(!!) 6U8=ECF82 Tungsram Hungary rebranded Haltron NOS 1970's (14.3ma and 7.6ma)
(!!) (Best Telefunken) ECF82=6U8 Telefunken Germany <> bottom NOS 1968 (13ma triode and 9.6ma pentode)
(!) ECF82=6U8 Telefunken <> bottom used/good 1967 (13.4ma triode and 6ma pentode)
(Best Value) 6U8A Rogers Canada NOS 1974 (14.8ma triode and 8ma pentode)
(!!) (Recommended Single) 6U8A GE Amperex NOS 1974 (13.5ma/10.2ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6U8A Philips by Sylvania NOS 1986 (17.2/17.6ma and 8.4/8.6ma)
6678=6U8A GE NOS (3 in stock)
6U8A used/good
6U8A=6678 Dumont NOS 1971 (18.5/10.2ma)
6U8A=6678 Dumont NOS 1971 (19.7/7ma)
7687 Sylvania NOS 1962 (sold out)
(!) (BEST SINGLE) 6U8A Sylvania NOS 1970 era (20ma/17ma)
(!!!) 6U8A Raytheon black plates NOS "U" getter halo 1962 (17ma and 8ma)
(!!) (Best Telefunken) ECF82=6U8 Telefunken Germany <> bottom NOS 1969 (24ma triode and 9.4ma pentode)
(!!) ECF82=6U8 Telefunken Germany <> bottom NOS 1968-1969 faded printing (14ma triode and 8.6ma pentode)
(!!) 6U8A Westinghouse NOS 1967 (24ma and 7.5ma)
(!!) 6U8A Westinghouse NOS 1967 (17.8ma and 9.5ma)
6U8A Philips by Sylvania NOS 1987 (20.2ma and 7.5ma)