(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 12AX7 Telefunken Germany smooth plates branded DYNACO like new 1964 (Gm=1600/1800 and 0.9/1.4ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Pair #2) 12AX7=ECC83 Telefunken Germany <> bottom branded GAP/R Computor tube <> bottom smooth plates used/good 1964 era (0.8/0.8ma and 0.8/0.8ma)
(!!!) (Best Value Single) 12AX7 Fisher Telefunken ribbed plate used/good 1960 era fair printing (Gm=1400/1600 and 0.9/1.1ma)
(!!!!) (Best Pair #2 - best value) 12AX7 Telefunken Germany <> bottom ribbed plates used/very good 1960 era (0.9/1.0ma and 1.0/1.1ma) 1-5% matched (close Gm)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) ECC803S=12AX7 Telefunken Ulm Germany <> bottom NOS 1961 (1.2/1.3ma and 1.2/1.4ma) 1-2% matched (Nagra, Lamm, VTL, Aesthetix, Diva)
(!!!!) (Best Value Pair) 12AX7=ECC83 Telefunken Germany <> bottom smooth plates used/good 1960's (0.8/0.8ma and 0.8/1.0ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Pair #1) 12AX7=ECC83 Telefunken Germany <> bottom branded GAP/R Computor tube <> bottom smooth plates used/good 1964 era (0.9/0.8ma and 1.0/0.8ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 12AX7 Telefunken Germany <> bottom smooth plates branded GAP/R Computor tube like new 1964 (Gm=1700/2000 and 1.1/1.5ma)