(!!!!) (Best Single) E80CC=6085 Philips Holland SQ gold pins NOS 1967 (6.4/7.0ma) (same Gm)
(!!!!) (Best Sounding Holland Pair) E80CC=6085 Philips SQ Holland 1967 (5.7/6.8ma and 5.7/6.9ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!) (Recommended Single) E80CC=6085 Philips SQ Holland NOS 1967 (5.8ma/6.9ma) (close Gm)
(!!!) (Recommended Pair) E80CC=6085 Heitz and Kaufman NOS and Philips Miniwatt SQ Holland like new 1970 (6.2/6.8ma and 7.2/7.7ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Pair) E80CC=6085 ITT NOS and Philips Miniwatt SQ Holland like new 1970-1973 (6.8/8.0ma and 7.9/8.0ma) (Highest mA and Gm)
(!!!!) (Best Holland Pair #1) E80CC=6085 Philips SQ Holland 1967 (6.2/7.0ma and 6.4/7.0ma) 1-2% matched