(!!!!) (Best Siemens Pair #1) E81CC=6201=12AT7WA Siemens Munich Germany NOS 1977 (12/13ma and 12/14ma) (High Ma and Gm)
(!!) (Good Value) 12AT7=ECC81 Siemens Halske Germany NOS 1970 (10.3/11.0ma)
(!!!) (slightly microphonic single) ECC801S Telefunken <> bottom rebranded 12AT7/ECC81 Telefunken NOS 1962 (9.2ma/10.2ma)
(GOOD VALUE) ECC801S=12AT7 Telefunken triple mica used/65% 1967 (5.6ma/6.0ma)
(GOOD VALUE) ECC801S=12AT7 Telefunken triple mica used/65% 1967 (6.2ma/6.9ma)
(!!) (BEST VALUE) 12AT7 Telefunken Germany used/good 1965 (9.2ma/8.4ma)
(!!!!) (Best Siemens Pair #2) E81CC=6201=12AT7WA Siemens Munich Germany NOS 1977 (14.2/15.5ma and 13.8/14.2ma) (High Ma and Gm)