(!!!!!) (Best Overall Pair) 336A Western Electric NOS 1956-1957 (42.0ma and 43.3ma) (Highest Ma) (matched on Amplitrex)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's (25.0ma and 25.6ma) 1-3% matched (same Gm)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's (25.2ma and 26.2ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's (28ma and 28.8ma) (same Gm) 1-3% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's (28ma and 28ma) 1-3% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's branded National 1962 (25.8ma and 26.4ma) 1-3% matched (same Gm)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 211 GE NOS 1942-1944 original boxes (111.0ma and 112.2ma) (Ongaku, Air Tight, Cary)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (134.5ma and 135.8ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (135ma and 135.6ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (137ma and 139.3ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (138.8ma and 139.2ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (138ma and 139ma) 1-3% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (141ma and 143ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6V6GT Mullard UK gray plate NOS 1960 era (41.5ma and 41.8ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 8417 Sylvania NOS 1970's same date codes (117.4ma and 118ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 8417 Sylvania NOS 1970's same date codes (119.5ma and 120ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) JAN-211 GE NOS 1942 original boxes (108.6ma and 109.4ma)
(!!!!!) (BEST PAIR) JAN-6005W GE NOS 1980-1982 (56.5ma and 56.6ma)
(!!!!!) (BEST QUAD) JAN-6550A GE NOS 1985-1986 (129ma, 129ma, 129.5ma, 130ma) 1-3% matched
(!!!!!) (BEST QUAD) JAN-6550A GE NOS 1985-1986 (130.2ma, 131ma, 131.2ma, 132.6ma) 1-3% matched