(!!!!!) (2nd Best Pair) 6F6G Marconi Spain NOS 1940's (33.2ma and 34.2ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Overall Pair) 336A Western Electric NOS 1956-1957 (42.0ma and 43.3ma) (Highest Ma) (matched on Amplitrex)
(!!!!!) (Best Overall Pair) 6F6G Marconi Spain NOS 1940's (33.2ma and 34.2ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair #1) ECL86=6GW8 Siemens Halske branded Telefunken Germany NOS 1971 (1.0/1.1ma and 32.5ma/32.5ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's (25.0ma and 25.6ma) 1-3% matched (same Gm)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's (25.2ma and 26.2ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's (28ma and 28.8ma) (same Gm) 1-3% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's (28ma and 28ma) 1-3% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 10Y=VT-25 SYLVANIA NOS 1940's branded National 1962 (25.8ma and 26.4ma) 1-3% matched (same Gm)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 211 GE NOS 1942-1944 original boxes (111.0ma and 112.2ma) (Ongaku, Air Tight, Cary)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (134.5ma and 135.8ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (135ma and 135.6ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (137ma and 139.3ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (138.8ma and 139.2ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (138ma and 139ma) 1-3% matched
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6550A GE NOS "stapled plates" 1985-1986 (141ma and 143ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) 6V6GTA Sylvania coated glass NOS 1950's (50ma and 53ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Pair) JAN-211 GE NOS 1942 original boxes (108.6ma and 109.4ma)
(!!!!!) (BEST PAIR) JAN-6005W GE NOS 1980-1982 (56.5ma and 56.6ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Quad #1) 6L6G MULLARD UK NOS 1955-1959 (67, 67, 67, 70ma)