(!!) (Single) 71A Tungsol NOS and RCA like new 1940's in white boxes (23.6ma and 23.5ma) 1% matched
71A Cunningham Balloon used/tests like new 1930's (30ma)
71A Raytheon 4-Pillar box-plate used/strong 1930's (24.8ma)
71A Raytheon NOS 1940's (27.5ma)
71A RCA Radiotron Balloon used/good 1930's (21ma)
71A Super Silvertone by Sylvania engraved base NOS 1937 (19ma)
71A Sylvania branded Hytron NOS 1947 (22ma)
71A Sylvania used/good 1930's (21ma)
UX-171A RCA Radiotron Balloon used/good 1930's (18ma)