(!!!!) (Best Westinghouse Single) 6SN7GTB Westinghouse USA black plates NOS 1963 (8.2/8.0ma)
(!!!!) (Best Single) 5692 CBS Hytron Brown base NOS 1957 (9.4/9.0ma) (same Gm)
(!!!!) (Single) 5692 RCA RED BASE black plates used/good 1953 (7/8ma) (Schiit Saga+)
(!!!) 6SN7GT Raytheon parallel plates NOS 1953 (8.5/10ma)
(!!!!) (Best Single) ECC33 Mullard gray plates "D" getter halo NOS 1961 (9/9ma) 1-2% section balance
(!!!) (Good Value Single) 6SN7GTB Tungsol tall bottle used/good 1960 era (7.5/7.5ma) 1% section balance
(!!!) (Single) 6SN7GTA Westinghouse USA black plates NOS 1950's (7.0/7.6ma)
(!!!) 6SN7GT Sylvania used/good 1951 (7.8/12ma)
(!!) (Good Value Single) JAN-CG-6SN7GT GE NOS 1953 (9.6/8.5ma)
(!!) (Best CBS Single) 6SN7GTB CBS black plates side-getter NOS, the same shape as Sylvania 6SN7GTB 1959 (8.0/8.2ma)
(!!) (Slightly microphonic single) 6SN7GT Brimar UK NOS slightly microphonic 1960 era (6.8/7.8ma)
(!!!) (Best Value Pair) 6SN7GTA GE used/good 1952 (8.0/7.4ma and 8.2/7.2ma)
(!!) (Single) 5692 CBS Hytron brown base branded 6SN7 used/good 1950's (8.5/8.6ma) 1-2% section balance
(!!) 6SN7GT Raytheon taller bottle parallel black plates NOS 1949 (8.2/8.0ma)
(!!) 6SN7GT RCA used/good 1953 (6.6/7.6ma)
(!!) 6SN7GTB Tungsol black plates tall bottle "U" getter used/good 1950's (9.2/8.2ma)
(!!) 6SN7GTA RCA branded CAPEHART used/like new 1955 (8.4/9.8ma)
(!!) (Best Value Single) 6SN7GTB RCA branded Bendix Television low hours/like new 1955 side getter (7.2/7.4ma) (Gm like new)
(!!) 6SN7GTB RCA branded Superior NOS 1960's (7.2/8ma)
(!!) (Best Value) 6SN7GTB RCA NOS 1959 side getter (6/8ma)