
(!!!!!) (Best Overall Pair) ECC33=6SN7GT Mullard UK black plates NOS pan shape getter halo 1950-1955 era (9.4/8.6ma and 9.4/8.4ma) 1-2% matched (best sounding ECC33 of all-time)

$ 799.99

1 low noise pair) ECC33=6SN7GT Mullard UK black plates NOS pan shape getter halo 1950-1955 era in original boxes (rare and best of breed) 1-2% matched

1 tube) 9.4/8.6ma Gm=3800/3500

1 tube) 9.4/8.4ma Gm=3800/3600


  • best sounding ECC33 of all-time
  • black oval plates
  • pan getter


Sonic Comments: "the ECC33s sound great - big, expansive and very clean and open"


Tested on Amplitrex

Good mA range 7-10mA

Good Gm = 2300-2600

Vplate = 250V




See more: vacuum tube
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