(!!!) (Best Single) 6189=12AU7WA=E82CC Sylvania NOS 1960's in white box (10/10.2ma) (Same Gm) 1-2% section balance

(!!!) (Best Single) 6189=12AU7WA=E82CC Sylvania NOS 1960's in white box (10/10.2ma) (Same Gm) 1-2% section balance

By Tube World

$ 29.99

1 low noise tube) 6189=12AU7WA=E82CC Sylvania NOS 1960's in white box

10.0ma Gm=2300

10.2ma Gm=2300 


- Best 12AU7 sub for the money

- smooth, detailed and quiet

See more: vacuum tube
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