(!!!) (2nd Best Pair) ECL82=6BM8 Philips Mullard UK NOS 1969 same date codes (1.7/31.5ma and 1.7/35ma)

(!!!) (2nd Best Pair) ECL82=6BM8 Philips Mullard UK NOS 1969 same date codes (1.7/31.5ma and 1.7/35ma)

$ 109.99

1 matched pair) ECL82=6BM8 Philips Mullard UK NOS 1969 same date codes Blackburn plant

1 tube) 1.7ma/31.5ma Gm=2000/5900

1 tube) 1.7ma/35.0ma Gm=2000/6000 


Matched on Amplitrex

1 section triode) Good Ma = 2.0-2.5ma and Good Gm=2200-2500

1 section pentode) Good Ma = 30-35ma and Good Gm=5500-6500


Recommended for

Audio Note M3, M6, M9
Audio Note L2 Custom linestage - Response Audio, NY (2008)
Audio Note 2.1 kit Level C
Audio Note 3.1 kit

Audio Note preamps and DACS (2.1B, 2.1C)
Audio Note DAC 3.1 Signature/Modified
Shindo Concertino 300B amp
Eastern Electric Minimax
Eastern Electric Minimax BBA "Buffer Booster Amplifier"
KLH Eight radio 1960-1962


See more: vacuum tube
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