(!!!) (Good Value Pair) 6SL7GT GE NOS round chrome plates 1969 (1.8/1.9ma and 1.9/2.0ma) (same Gm)

(!!!) (Good Value Pair) 6SL7GT GE NOS round chrome plates 1969 (1.8/1.9ma and 1.9/2.0ma) (same Gm)

$ 39.99

1 matched pair) 6SL7GT GE NOS round chrome plates 1969

1 tube) 1.8/1.9ma Gm=1400/1500

1 tube) 1.9/2.0ma Gm=1400/1500


Matched on Amplitrex



Good mA range = 2-3ma


- Ampeg Heritage B-15
- Alessandro Itallian Greyhound jazz amp
- Alessandro Black and Tan 2005
- Almarro A318B
- Eddie Current


See more: vacuum tube
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