(!!!) (~ Recommended Pair ~) 6KG6A RCA JAPAN NOS original boxes 1970's (111ma and 114ma)

(!!!) (~ Recommended Pair ~) 6KG6A RCA JAPAN NOS original boxes 1970's (111ma and 114ma)

$ 142.99

1 pair) 6KG6A=EL509=EL519 RCA JAPAN NOS original boxes 1970's

1 tube) 111ma and Gm=13,000

1 tube) 114ma and Gm=13,300


Matched on Amplitrex




Good Ma rang = 100-120ma

Good Gm = 12,000 - 14,000


(The EL519 replaced the EL509 and are pin compatible)

MAX Plate Dissipation = 34W


Recommended for:

- EAR 869 amp
- Melos MAT 1000 380 watt Class A mono amps
- RM Italy KVL-1000 linear amp

See more: vacuum tube
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