(!!!) (Best tipped top pair) 448A Western Electric tipped top used/tests like new 1965 (35.5ma and 36.4ma) (Matched on Amplitrex)

(!!!) (Best tipped top pair) 448A Western Electric tipped top used/tests like new 1965 (35.5ma and 36.4ma) (Matched on Amplitrex)

$ 149.99

1 pair) 448A Western Electric "tipped top" used/tests like new D getter halo 1965 in white boxes

1 tube) 35.5ma Gm=27,300

1 tube) 36.4ma Gm=27,900


Amplitrex Test Data:




Good Ma range 18-25ma

Good Gm = 25,000


DIY pentode



See more: vacuum tube
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