Preamp tubes »
(Read Review) 6DJ8=ECC88 Philips Miniwatt Holland NOS 1960-1963 (16.6/17.0ma and 15.8/16.6ma) 1-5% matched
(Read Review) 6DJ8=ECC88 Philips Miniwatt Holland NOS 1960-1963 (16.6/17.0ma and 15.8/16.6ma) 1-5% matched
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1 Matched Pair) 6DJ8=ECC88 Philips Miniwatt Holland NOS 1960-1963
1 tube) 16.6/17.0ma Gm=13,100/13,500 (1963) small "o" getter halo
1 tube) 15.8/16.6ma Gm=13,400/14,000 (1960) large "O" getter halo
Good Ma range 12-15ma
Good Gm range 11-13,000
- dimpled disc getter halos
- Low noise and not microphonic
- 3-dimensional sweet midrange, good bass,
- very musical
Recommended for
- Manley Chinook
- Scott Nixon DAC
- Rode K2 mic
- Sunfire Classic Vacuum Tube Control Center
- Woo Audio WA3+
- Pathos Classic One MK III preamp
- Audio Horizons phono
See more: vacuum tube