(!!) (BEST PAIR) 6BM8 Sylvania NOS 1970's (1.8/45ma and 1.7/49ma)
$ 69.99
1 pair) 6BM8 Sylvania NOS 1970's same build
1 tube) 1.8ma Gm=2400 and 45ma Gm=6400
1 tube) 1.7ma Gm=2300 and 49ma Gm=6500 rebranded RCA
Audio Note preamps and DACS (2.1B, 2.1C)
Audio Note DAC 3.1 Signature/Modified
Audio Note L2 Custom linestage - Response Audio, NY (2008) (responseaudio.com)
Shindo Concertino 300B amp
Eastern Electric Minimax
Eastern Electric Minimax BBA "Buffer Booster Amplifier"
KLH Eight radio 1960-1962
See more: vacuum tube