(!!) (BEST PAIR) 6AE5GT Tungsol branded Delco NOS 1940's (8.5ma and 8.0ma)

(!!) (BEST PAIR) 6AE5GT Tungsol branded Delco NOS 1940's (8.5ma and 8.0ma)

$ 24.99

1 pair) 6AE5GT Tungsol branded Delco NOS 1940's

1 tube) 8.5ma Gm=1200

1 tube) 8.0ma Gm=1200


Matched on Amplitrex



Good Iplate =6-7mA+

Good Gm = 1000-1200+


- developed by Tungsol in 1938 to drive 6AC5


See more: Unknown Type
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