(!!) (2nd Best Pair) 6AE5GT Tungsol branded Delco and Radiotron NOS 1940's (7.4ma and 7.6ma)
(!!) (BEST PAIR) 6AE5GT Tungsol branded Delco NOS 1940's (8.5ma and 8.0ma)
(!!) (Recommended Pair) 6AE5GT Tungsol branded RCA NOS 1940's (6.7ma and 6.8ma)
6AE5G GE NOS 1950 (8.5ma)
6AE5GT Tungsol branded Delco NOS 1940's (10.2ma)
6AE5GT Tungsol branded Ken Rad NOS 1940's (9.0ma)
6AE5GT Tungsol branded RCA NOS 1940's (6.3ma)