(!!) 7247=12DW7 GE branded Westinghouse

(!!) 7247=12DW7 GE branded Westinghouse "U" getter used/good early 1960's (0.7ma and 8.6ma)

$ 27.99

7247=12DW7 GE branded Westinghouse "U" getter used/good early 1960's

12AX7 Section = 0.7ma Gm=1350

12AU7 Section = 8.6ma Gm=2000



Tested on Amplitrex

12AX7 Section Good used = 0.6 - 0.9ma and Gm=1300-1500

12AU7 Section Good used = 7-9ma and Gm=1700-2900



See more: vacuum tube
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