Power Tubes »
(!!!!) (Good Value XF2 Pair) EL34 Mullard UK XF2 double round "O-O" getter halo used/good 1965-1967 (72ma and 76.5ma)
(!!!!) (Good Value XF2 Pair) EL34 Mullard UK XF2 double round "O-O" getter halo used/good 1965-1967 (72ma and 76.5ma)
$ 299.99
1 matched pair) EL34 Mullard UK XF2 double round "O-O" getter halo used/good 1965-1967 in white boxes
1 tube) 72.0ma and Gm=10,900 branded Philips Miniwatt 1965
1 tube) 76.5ma and Gm=10,650 branded Siemens 1967 - taller bottle
Matched on Amplitrex
Good used mA range 60-80ma
Good used Gm range 10,000-11,000
Recommended for
- Diezel Stereo Guitar Amplifier
- CARR amplifiers
- Marantz 2
- Manley Snapper
See more: vacuum tube