(!!) (Single) 71A Tungsol NOS and RCA like new 1940's in white boxes (23.6ma and 23.5ma) 1% matched

(!!) (Single) 71A Tungsol NOS and RCA like new 1940's in white boxes (23.6ma and 23.5ma) 1% matched

$ 98.88

1 pair) 71A TS and RCA 1940's same plates - different shape top mica - see photo

1 tube) 23.6ma Gm=1800 Tungsol 

1 tube) 23.5ma Gm=1800 RCA Radiotron like new


Tested on Amplitrex 

Vplate = 180V

Vgrid = -38V

Good Ma = 20ma

Good Gm = 1700


(71A=5V @ .25A Filament)

Typical Characteristics:

Vplate=135V, Vgrid=-27, Iplate=17.5ma, Rplate=1.82Kohms

Gm=1650, Mu=3, Rload=3Kohms, Pout=0.4watts

See more: vacuum tube
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