(!!!!!) (Best Overall Single) JAN-5691 Sylvania black plates NOS 1977 (2.8/3.1mA) (Same Gm) (Best 6SL7GT sub) (same internals as 5691 red base)

(!!!!!) (Best Overall Single) JAN-5691 Sylvania black plates NOS 1977 (2.8/3.1mA) (Same Gm) (Best 6SL7GT sub) (same internals as 5691 red base)

By Tube World

$ 139.99

1 low noise tube) JAN-5691 Sylvania black plates NOS 1977

2.8mA Gm=1800

3.1mA Gm=1800


- very good detail 

- low noise

- reference tube


Good mA range 2.0mA+

Good Gm range 1500+


Recommended for

- Ampeg Heritage B-15
- Alessandro Itallian Greyhound jazz amp
- Alessandro Black and Tan 2005
- Almarro A318B
- Eddie Current

See more: vacuum tube
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