(!!!!!) (Best Overall Pair) 6C10 GE rebranded RCA NOS 1960's (Ampeg / Fender) (1.6ma/1.5ma/1.4ma) and (1.5ma/1.8ma/1.4ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Overall Pair) 6C10 GE rebranded RCA NOS 1960's (Ampeg / Fender) (1.6ma/1.6ma/1.3ma) and (1.6ma/1.3ma/1.7ma) (Best Pair in the World)
(!!!!!) (Best Value Single) JAN-5691 Philips by Sylvania black plates NOS 1985 (2.4/2.6ma) (Best 6SL7GT sub)
(!!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6C10 GE rebranded RCA NOS 1960's (Ampeg / Fender) (1.0ma/1.2ma/1.2ma) and (1.0ma/1.1ma/1.3ma)
(!!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6C10 GE rebranded Westinghouse NOS 1970 era (Ampeg / Fender) (1.3ma/1.4ma/1.2ma) and (1.3ma/1.2ma/1.1ma)
(!!!!!) (recommended pair) JAN-5691 Sylvania black plates NOS 1977 (2.8/3.1mA and 2.5/2.9mA) (Best 6SL7GT sub) (same internals as 5691 red base)
(!!!!!) (Recommended Pair) JAN-5691 Sylvania black plates NOS 1979 (1.9/1.9mA and 1.9/2.1mA) (Best 6SL7GT sub) (same internals as 5691 red base) 1-3% matched
(!!!!!) (RecommendedPair) JAN-5691 Philips by Sylvania black plates NOS 1984-1985 (2.0/2.2mA and 2.1/2.4mA) (Best 6SL7GT sub) (same internals as 5691 red base) 1-3% matched
(!!!!) (2nd Best RCA Single) 6C10 RCA branded Westinghouse NOS 1971 (Ampeg / Fender) (1.0ma/2.1ma/1.6ma) (Strongest Single)
(!!!!) (Best Single #1) 6C10 GE rebranded RCA NOS 1960's (Ampeg / Fender) (1.3ma/1.3ma/1.0ma)
(!!!!) (Best Single) 6C10 GE rebranded Westinghouse NOS 1970 era (Ampeg / Fender) (1.5ma/1.4ma/1.6ma)
(!!!!) (Best Single) 6C10 RCA branded Westinghouse NOS 1971 (Ampeg / Fender) (1.4ma/2.0ma/1.5ma) (Strongest Single)
(!!!) (Best Pair) 7199 RCA Black Plates NOS 1960's (14/7.2ma and 14/8.2ma)
(!!!) (Best Single #2) 6C10 GE rebranded RCA NOS 1960's (Ampeg / Fender) (1.0ma/1.5ma/1.2ma)
(!!!) (Best Value Pair) 7868 RCA NOS 1965-1970 era (47ma and 50ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Pair) 7027A GE NOS 1980 era (68ma and 70.5ma)
(!!!) (Single) 7199 RCA Black Plates NOS 1964 (10.2ma pentode, 12ma triode)
(!!!) (Single) 7199 RCA Black Plates NOS 1970 era (10.6/8.6ma)
(!!) (Best Pair #1) 6K11=6Q11 GE NOS 1979 (1 pair)
(!!) (Best Value Single) 7199 Sylvania branded GE NOS 1966 (10ma/8.6ma)