(!!!!) (Best Single 1956) 12AU7=ECC82 Amperex Holland "long-plates" large "D" getter with crossbar like new 1956 (9.2/8.2ma) (rare)
(!!!!) (Best Single 1965) ECC82=12AU7 Miniwatt Holland like new 1965 (9.4/9.4ma) 1% section balance
(!!!!) (Best Value 1965) 12AX7 Philips Miniwatt Holland like new 1965 (Gm=1900/1700 and 1.5/1.2ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value 1965) 12AX7 Philips Miniwatt Holland like new 1965 (Gm=2000/2000 and 1.6/1.7ma) (Highest mA and Gm)
(!!!!) (Best Value Pair 1965 era) 12AX7=ECC83 Philips Miniwatt Holland like new 1964-1965 era (1.3/1.2ma and 1.1/1.2ma)
(!!!!) (Good Single) E88CC=6922 Philips SQ Holland used/tests like new 1968 (13.0/12.6ma) (3D MIDS, low noise) (same Gm)
(!!!!) (Good Value 1962) M8137=12AX7S Philips SQ France ribbed plates NOS 1962 (0.8/0.9ma and Gm=1350/1350) (Special Quality 12AX7)
(!!!!) (Good Value 1962) M8137=12AX7S Philips SQ France ribbed plates NOS 1962 (1.1/1.1ma and Gm=1550/1450) (Special Quality 12AX7)
(!!!!) (Good Value Single 1964) PCC88=7DJ8 Philips Miniwatt Holland "O" getter NOS 1964 (10.5/16.2ma)
(!!!!) (Good Value Single 1970) PCC88=7DJ8 Amperex Holland "A" frame NOS 1970 (11.4/12ma)
(!!!!) (Holland single 1958) ECC83=12AX7 Triotron Holland "long plates" with "D" getter halo like new 1957 (1.1/1.2ma and Gm=1700/1700)
(!!!!) (Holland Single) 12AU7 Philips Holland NOS 1971 dimpled disc halo (10.2/10.6ma)
(!!!!) (Holland Single) 12AU7 Philips Miniwatt Holland like new 1961 large "O" getter halo (9.6/11ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Mullard Single) 6DJ8 RCA Mullard NOS "A" Frame getter halo 1976 (10.6/12.6ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 12AX7 Philips and Valvo Holland NOS 1965-1966 era (1.2/1.1ma and 1.3/1.2ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 12AX7=ECC83 Philips and Pope Holland NOS 1965-1967 (2.1/1.8ma and 1.6/2.1ma) (Highest mA and Gm)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) PCC88=7DJ8 Philips Holland NOS 1973 (12.4/10.5ma and 11.0/10.6ma) (Similar sound to 6DJ8 Holland) (sweet sound)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single 1964) 6DJ8 Amperex Bugle Boy Holland Tektronix Checked "o" getter halo tests like new 1964 (15.5/15.6ma) 1-2% section balance
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 6DJ8 Philips Miniwatt Holland NOS 1960 era large "O" getter halo (18.0/19.4ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) PCC88=7DJ8 Philips by Mullard UK NOS 1975 (12.2/12.6ma)