(!!!!!) (Best Single 1956) 12AU7=ECC82 Amperex Holland "long-plates" large "D" getter with crossbar like new 1956 (9.2/8.2ma) (rare)
(!!!!!) (Best Single 1956) 12AU7=ECC82 Amperex Holland "long-plates" large "D" getter with crossbar like new 1956 (9.2/8.2ma) (rare)
$ 249.99
1 low noise tube) 12AU7=ECC82 Amperex Holland "long-plates" large "D" getter with crossbar like new (k61=delta6A=1956) good printing in white box (rare)
9.2ma Gm=1900
8.2ma Gm=1800
Tested on Amplitrex
Good Ma range 8-10ma
Good Gm range 1800-2200
Recommended for:
- Head-Direct EF1 preamp
- Allen & Heath VF-1 compressor
- Ray Samuels
- Eastern Electric DAC
- Lexicon Signature 284
- Octave
See more: vacuum tube