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(!!) (Best Pair #2) 6AW8A GE NOS 1976 (3.3/3.6ma and 25.8/27.2ma) 1-3% matched (Shindo)
(!!) (Best Pair #2) 6AW8A GE NOS 1976 (3.3/3.6ma and 25.8/27.2ma) 1-3% matched (Shindo)
$ 23.99
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1 matched pair) 6AW8A GE NOS 1976
1 tube) 3.3ma Gm=3900 and 25.8ma Gm=10,800
1 tube) 3.6ma Gm=4000 and 27.2ma Gm=11,200
Matched on Amplitrex
triode: Good Ma=3-3.5ma Gmm Gm=3000-3500
pentode: Good Ma=13ma Good Gm=9000+
recommended for:
Shindo Petrus preamp and Shindo amp
Shindo Cortese preamp
Shindo Haut Brion 2010
Shindo Giscorse
See more: vacuum tube