(!!!!!) (BEST PAIR #1) 417A Western Electric NOS 1980 (42.5ma and 43ma)
(!!!!) (2nd Best Single) 5842=417A Amperex "PQ" Holland "D" getter Gold Pins NOS 1956-1959 (23ma)
(!!!!) (Best Overall Pair) EL34 Mullard branded Philips NOS XF4 1979 (85ma and 85.5ma)
(!!!!) (Best Overall Single) CV4004=12AX7 Mullard box plates NOS 1971-1972 (Gm=1600/1700) (1.3/1.5ma)
(!!!!) (Best Pair) 0A3 GE NOS 1956-1961 (neon)
(!!!!) (BEST PAIR) 417A Western Electric NOS 1980 (42.5ma and 44ma)
(!!!!) (BEST PAIR) 5842=417A Western Electric NOS 1980 (39ma and 40ma)
(!!!!) (Best Pair) JAN-12AT7WC Sylvania black plates NOS 1975-1980 (10/8.6ma and 10.2/9.2ma)
(!!!!) (Best Single) 5842=417A Amperex "PQ" Holland "D" getter Gold Pins NOS 1956-1959 (35ma)
(!!!!) (Best Single) CV4004=12AX7 Mullard box plates NOS 1981 (Gm=1500/1600) (1.1/1.4ma)
(!!!!) (BEST XF4 Pair) EL34 Philips Mullard NOS XF4 1979 (91ma and 94ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Mullard Single) 6DJ8 RCA Mullard NOS "A" Frame getter halo 1976 (10.6/12.6ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair 1970's) 417A Western Electric NOS 1973-1977 (27ma and 31.2ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 417A Western Electric NOS 1980 (32ma and 34ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) EL34 Mullard branded Philips and GE NOS XF4 1977-1979 (99ma and 101.5ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 12AX7 Brimar BVA England narrow ribbed plates used/good 1959 (1.1/1.0ma and Gm=1450/1350)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) CV4004=12AX7 Mullard box plates NOS 1971-1972 (Gm=1500/1500) (1.0/1.1ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) CV4004=12AX7 Mullard box plates NOS 1981 (Gm=1500/1600) (0.9/1.1ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) CV4004=12AX7 Mullard box plates NOS 1981 (Gm=1500/1600) (0.9/1.2ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) JAN-7308 Raytheon NOS 1968 (10.4/15.2ma)