313CA Western Electric NOS (6 in stock)
313CC Western Electric NOS (16 in stock)
323B Western Electric NOS (sold out)
328A Western Electric "small punch" NOS 1953 (5.5ma)
328A Western Electric small punch plate used/good 1953 (4.6ma)
329A Western Electric NOS 1952-1957 (1 Pair: 30ma and 30.5ma)
329A Western Electric NOS 1966 (1 Pair: 34.5ma and 38ma)
329A Western Electric NOS 1972 (1 Pair: 33.6ma and 35.2ma)
329A Western Electric NOS 1972 (1 PAIR: 35ma and 37ma)
329A Western Electric NOS 1976 (1 Pair: 34ma and 37ma)
337A WE "large punch" NOS 1966 slightly tilted glass (single)
338A WE "engraved base" early 1940's like new
338A Western Electric NOS (7 in stock)
346C Western Electric NOS 1967 reboxed
346C Western Electric NOS 1971
350A National Union NOS 1940's (101ma Gm=9200) (sold out)
353A Western Electric NOS (15 in stock)
355A Cetron NOS original box 1972
374A Western Electric black plate used/good 1960's (18-21ma) (10 in stock)