(!!) (Good Value Pair) 6021=CV3986 Mullard UK Mitcham plant NOS 1971 original boxes (4.8/6.3ma and 4.6/6.5ma)
(!!) (Good Value Single) 12AU7 Amperex "Hewlett Packard" Holland "o" getter halo used/good 1968 (8.2/8.4ma)
(!!) (Good Value Single) 12AU7 Amperex Holland "o" getter halo used/like new 1965 no printing 1965 (10.6/10.6ma) 1% section balance
(!!) (Good Value Single) 5687 Tungsol Hewlett Packard bronze plates "O" getter like new 1960 (32.5/33.7ma)
(!!) (Good Value Single) 6201=12AT7 Valvo Germany rebranded Philips SQ 1970 (6.8/7.8mA)
(!!) (Good Value Single) 6922 Amperex PQ Holland gold pins used/good 1961 (10/19ma) (mic)
(!!) (Good Value Single) 6DJ8 EI YUGO branded Siemens NOS 1979 (16.2/17.2ma)
(!!) (Good Value) 12AT7 Telefunken Diamond Bottom used/good early 1960's (7.8ma/10.8ma)
(!!) (Good Value) 12AT7=ECC81 Siemens Halske Germany NOS 1970 (10.3/11.0ma)
(!!) (Good Value) 12AU7A RCA clear top used/good 1960's (8.8/9.0ma)
(!!!) (Best Value Single) 12AX7 Fisher Telefunken ribbed plate used/good 1960 era fair printing (Gm=1400/1600 and 0.9/1.1ma)
(!!) (Good Value) 12AX7 Siemens Halske Germany rebranded "BOGEN" used/good 1960 (161 Series) (Gm=1400/1500 and 0.8/0.9ma)
(!!) (Good Value Single) JAN-CG-6SN7GT GE NOS 1953 (9.6/8.5ma)
(!!) (Recommended 27 Balloon) C-327 Cunningham Balloon mesh-plate used/very good 1930's (5.2ma)
(!!) (Recommended from 1950's) 12AT7WA Sylvania gray plates triple mica "D" getter halo tests like new 1950's (9.4/12.0ma)
(!!) (Recommended from 1958) JHS-12AT7WA Sylvania triple mica "D" getter NOS 1958 (11.6/15ma) (phase inverter, reverb)
(!!) (Recommended from 1964) 12AT7WA Sylvania NOS 1964 (7.0/8.4ma)
(!!) (Recommended Pair) 12B4A GE NOS 1960's - 1970's same build (30ma and 30.5ma)
(!!) (Recommended Pair) 272A Western Electric "meshplate" NOS and low hours/like new 1940's - 1951 (6.3ma and 6.4ma)
(!!) (Recommended Pair) 6AG7 RCA NOS 1960's (30.6ma and 32ma)