(!!!) (Best Value) 8D8=EF86 Brimar UK quad mica NOS/75% 1961 (2.0ma)
(!!!!) (microphonic singles) JAN-5687WB Tungsol branded Raytheon black plates "U" getter NOS 1950's (6 in stock)
(!!!) (Best Value Single) 12AU7 Sylvania "black plates" with "D" getter halo like new 1951 era branded JAN-12AU7 GE 1985 (10.0/9.8ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Pair) 12AU7A RCA clear top used/good 1960's (7.5/9.6ma and 7.5/9.2ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Pair) 6350 Sylvania black ribbed plates "U" getter used/good 1957 (9.0/9.2ma and 9.2/10ma) 1-3% matched
(READ REVIEW) 12AU7 RCA black plates "D" getter mid-1950's used/tests like new (9.8/11.4ma)
(!!!) (Best Value Pair) 12AU7A RCA NOS 1960's faded printing (9.3/11.8ma and 10.6/9.0ma)
(!!!) (Best Single 1966) 12AX7A RCA ribbed plates NOS 1966 (Gm=1800/1600, 1.3/1.0ma) (best tone, 2nd best to Mullard)
(!!!) (Good Value Single) 5751 RCA black plates triple mica "D" getter low hours/tests like new 1950's (2.4ma/2.5ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Single) 6SN7GTB Tungsol tall bottle used/good 1960 era (7.5/7.5ma) 1% section balance
(!!!) (Good Value Single) ECC81=12AT7 Mullard old logo made in Hyperlec Brive France used/good (8.4/9.8ma)
(!!!) (Good Value) 12AU7A RCA clear top used/tests like new 1960's (10.5/12.8ma)
(!!!) (Good Value) 12AX7 RCA "long gray plates" with "D" getter used/good 1960 good printing (0.6/0.7mA and Gm=1400/1500)
(!!!) (Good Value) 6021=CV3986 Mullard UK Mitcham plant NOS 1971 (4.2/4.4ma and 4.2/4.4ma)
(!!!) (Good Value) E81CC=12AT7 Haltron England NOS around 1960 (8.4/10.2ma)
(!!!) (Good Value) JG-5814A GE triple mica "U" getter halo like new 1955 in white box (8.8/9.6ma)
(!!!) (MATCHED QUAD) JAN-CW-231D Western Electric NOS 1953 (1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!) (MATCHED QUAD) JAN-CW-231D Western Electric NOS 1953 (1.6/1.6/1.6/1.5ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!) (Good Value Pair) 26 Super Silvertone ST-14 engraved base used/good 1930's (4.3ma and 4.8ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Black Plates) 12AU7A Westinghouse black plates 1960 era rebranded United 1981 "D" getter halo (8.4/9.8ma) (similar to RCA black plates)