(!!!!!) (Best Sound for the Money Pair) JAN-12AT7WC Sylvania black plates NOS 1980 (7/8ma and 7.3/8.2ma)

(!!!!!) (Best Sound for the Money Pair) JAN-12AT7WC Sylvania black plates NOS 1980 (7/8ma and 7.3/8.2ma)

$ 49.99

1 low noise pair) JAN-12AT7WC Sylvania NOS 1980 original boxes

1 tube) 7.0/8.0ma Gm=4400/4800

1 tube) 7.3/8.2ma Gm=4300/4800


Matched on Amplitrex

Good Ma range 8-10ma

Good Gm range 4500-5500

See more: vacuum tube
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