Preamp tubes »
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6DJ8 Philips ECG USA by Sylvania NOS 1987 (13.5/18.5ma and 13.5/19.0ma) 1-3% matched
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6DJ8 Philips ECG USA by Sylvania NOS 1987 (13.5/18.5ma and 13.5/19.0ma) 1-3% matched
$ 89.99
1 low noise pair) 6DJ8 Philips ECG USA by Sylvania NOS 1987 (best value)
1 tube) 13.5/18.5ma Gm=11800/14100
1 tube) 13.5/19.0ma Gm=12000/14600
- nice midrange detail, smooth
Matched on Amplitrex
Good Ma range 12-15ma
Good Gm = 12,000 - 13,000
See more: vacuum tube