Preamp tubes »
(!!!) (Best Value Pair) 6DJ8 Matshushita JAPAN branded RCA NOS 1975 (15/17.8ma and 16.4/18.2ma)
(!!!) (Best Value Pair) 6DJ8 Matshushita JAPAN branded RCA NOS 1975 (15/17.8ma and 16.4/18.2ma)
$ 59.99
1 low noise pair) 6DJ8 Matshushita JAPAN branded RCA Holland 1975
1 tube) 16.0/15.5ma Gm=12,400/12,300
1 tube) 15.0/16.0ma Gm=11,800/12,300
Matched on Amplitrex
Good Ma range 12-15ma
Good like new Gm range 10,000-11,000
See more: vacuum tube