Preamp tubes »
2.7.25 (!!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6SN7GT Tungsol parallel gray plates large "O" mica ears NOS 1953 (6.4/6.6ma and 6.4/6.8ma) (rare version) (Cary, Rogue)
2.7.25 (!!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6SN7GT Tungsol parallel gray plates large "O" mica ears NOS 1953 (6.4/6.6ma and 6.4/6.8ma) (rare version) (Cary, Rogue)
$ 129.99
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1 low noise pair) 6SN7GT Tungsol parallel gray plates large O mica NOS 1953 (rare version)
1 tube) 6.4/6.6ma and Gm=2300/2400
1 tube) 6.4/6.8ma and Gm=2300/2400
- very good detail, balanced, open, extended highs
- Cary
- Antique Sound Lab
- Headphone amps
See more: vacuum tube