
(!!!!) (Recommended Mullard 1960) 12AX7 Mullard BVA British Made box plates NOS 1960 (1.0/1.0ma and Gm=1600/1500)

By Tube World

$ 249.99

1 low noise tube) 12AX7 Mullard BVA British Made box plates NOS 1960

(641-ROJ2=1960) in white box (Mitcham plant) - rough glass - oldest version

Gm=1600 (1.0ma)

Gm=1500 (1.0ma)


Good NOS Gm 1500-1600

Good NOS mA = 1.0mA



Recommended for

- Victoria

- Bogner Ecstasy

- Bad Cat

- Sur SL-68 (hand wired)

- Fender

- Two Rock


See more: vacuum tube
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