(!!!!) (Recommended GE Pair) 6BQ5 GE NOS 1969-1970 (64ma and 65ma) (recommended for FIXED-BIAS amp only due to high current)

(!!!!) (Recommended GE Pair) 6BQ5 GE NOS 1969-1970 (64ma and 65ma) (recommended for FIXED-BIAS amp only due to high current)

$ 99.99

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1 pair) 6BQ5 GE NOS 1969-1970

1 tube) 64ma Gm=11,850 (1970) 

1 tube) 65ma Gm=11,900 (1969) slightly tilted glass


(recommended for FIXED-BIAS amp only due to high current)


Matched on Amplitrex

Good Ma range 40-48ma

Good Gm range 10,000-12,000



Recommended for

- Bad Cat Black Cat 2003
- Shindo Montille
- RM10
- Gibson GA-5 Skylark 1966
- Kustom


See more: vacuum tube
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