(!!) (Best Single) 12AU7A Tungsol tall ribbed plates NOS "O" getter halo 1960 era (9.8/9.6ma)
(!!) (Best Value Pair) 12AU7A RCA MEXICO NOS "TOP GETTER" original boxes 1970's (9.2/10ma and 8.7/9.4ma)
(!!) (Best Value Pair) 12AU7A RCA MEXICO NOS "TOP GETTER" original boxes 1970's (9.2/11.4ma and 9.4/10.6ma)
(!!) (Best Value Pair) 6189W Philips ECG NOS by Sylvania 1983-1987 (8/10ma and 8.6/10ma)
(!!) (Best Value Pair) 6C4 Westinghouse Mexico NOS/75% 1991 (7.8/8.8ma)
(!!) (Best Value Pair) ECC84=6CW7 Ultron East Germany by RFT 1970's 1-3% matched (9.0/9.6ma and 9.0/9.3ma)
(!!) (BEST VALUE SINGLE) 12AU7A RCA clear top used/good 1960's (8.0/9.4ma)
(!!) (Good Value Pair) 311B WE used/good, faded getters 1960 and 1967 (28ma and 33ma)
(!!) (PAIR) 6BQ6GTB=6CU6 Sylvania NOS 1960's (48.5ma and 48.6ma)
(!!) (PAIR) 6BQ6GTB=6CU6 Sylvania NOS 1960's (51ma and 52.5ma)
(!!) (Recommended SINGLE) 6C4WA GE JAN NOS 1972 (10.6ma)
(!!) (Recommended Single) 6U8A GE NOS 1977 (14.2ma/10ma)
(!!) (Recommended SINGLE) JAN-6C4WA GE NOS 1967-1968 (9.8ma)
(!!) (Recommended SINGLE) JG-6C4WA GE JAN triple mica NOS 1964-1965 (9.2ma)
(!!) (Single) 5963=12AU7 GE NOS 1981 (9.4/11.4ma)
(!!) 12AU7A RCA CANADA NOS "D" getter halo 1950's tip is chipped (10.0/10.4ma)
(!!) 12AU7A RCA clear top used/good 1960's (7.4/8.6ma)
(!!) 12AU7A RCA clear top used/good 1964 (8.2/8.6ma)
(!!) 6E5 RCA NOS 1940's (2 in stock)
(!!) 6E5 Sylvania NOS (2 in stock)