EY51 Valvo West Germany NOS
EY91 International Great Britain NOS "D" getter (5 in stock)
FAA-6X4WA Sylvania NOS 1961 tilted glass (55/40 and 56/40)
JAN-5R4WGB Raytheon used/good 1975 (46/40 and 52/40)
UY41=31A3 Amperex Bugle Boy France NOS 1964 (0 in stock)
UY41=31A3 Philips Miniwatt "D" getter halo NOS 1958 (1 in stock)
UY41=31A3 Telefunken Germany <> bottom NOS 1962 (3 in stock)
UY85=38A3 European Brands NOS (3 in stock)