(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 807 RCA black plate NOS and used/like new 1956-1957 same build large getters (61ma and 63.5ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 811A RCA NOS 1954-1959 (55/36 and 56/36)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 83 GE NOS 1960's (62-65/40 and 62-63/40)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 8417 Sylvania branded RCA NOS 1972-1973 (119.2ma and 123.7ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) JAN-5691 Sylvania black plates NOS 1979 (2.1/2.2mA and 2.0/2.2mA) 1-3% matched (Best 6SL7GT sub) (same internals as 5691 red base)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) JAN-CRC-30 RCA NOS 1940's same build (2.9ma and 3.0ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) JRC-5751 RCA black plates test like new 1960's faded printing (2.8/2.7ma and 2.5/2.5ma) (high Gm)
(!!!!) (Recommended RCA Single) 6V6G RCA branded Haltron coated glass NOS 1940's (42ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 12AU7A RCA clear top NOS 1969 (10.6/12.0ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 12AY7 GE NOS 1960's (2.2/2.5ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 2A3 RCA gray plates NOS 1960 (104ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 6DJ8 Philips Miniwatt Holland NOS 1960 era large "O" getter halo (18.0/19.4ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 6L6GC RCA black plates branded Westinghouse like new double "D" getters 1960 era (72ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 6V6G Sylvania branded Haltron coated glass NOS 1940's (50ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 6X5GT Philips Miniwatt Australia NOS 1940's (54/40 and 56/40)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 7199 RCA black plates NOS 1960's (19.5ma pentode / 8ma triode)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) JG-5751WA GE black plates triple mica D getter 1958 like new (2.6/2.6ma) 1% section balance
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) JG-5751WA GE black plates triple mica D getter 1958 like new (2.9/2.8ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) JG-5751WA GE NOS black plates triple mica D getter halo 1955 (2.1/2.5ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) PCC88=7DJ8 Philips by Mullard UK NOS 1975 (12.2/12.6ma)