7729=12AX7 Raytheon Uniline Gold Pins (sold out)
7995 Raytheon NOS 1981 (0 in stock)
80 Raytheon engraved base used/good 1930's rattle inside base (51/40 and 57/40)
80 Raytheon engraved base used/good 1930's small rattle inside base (46/40 and 52/40)
80 Raytheon used/good 1951 (58/40 and 70/40)
80 RCA Cunningham used/good 1930's (44/40 and 47/40)
9001 US Brands NOS (26 in stock)
CK-5704 Raytheon NOS (6 in stock)
JAN-5651WA Raytheon NOS 1983-1986 (0 in stock)
JAN-5R4WGB Raytheon used/good 1975 (46/40 and 52/40)
JAN-CRC-0D3 RCA used/tests strong 1940's (argon)
JAN-CRP-5755 Raytheon NOS 1966 in 1973 box (1.5/2.0ma)
JRP-0A2WA Raytheon NOS 1966
JRP-5687WA Raytheon black plates used/good 1965-1966 (28/31ma)
JRP-5687WA Raytheon bronze plates used/good 1960's (34.6/36.4ma)
RK-23 Raytheon 4-Pillar NOS 1940's reboxed
RK-73 Raytheon NOS (10 in stock)
USN-5651WA Raytheon NOS in CK5651 box (1 in stock)