(!!!) (Recommended Pair) WL-5965 Westinghouse NOS 1965 (12/14.2ma and 12/13.2ma)

(!!!) (Recommended Pair) WL-5965 Westinghouse NOS 1965 (12/14.2ma and 12/13.2ma)

By Tube World

$ 28.99

1 low noise pair) 5965 Westinghouse tall gray plates NOS 1965

1 tube) 12/14.2ma Gm=8000/9000

1 tube) 12/13.2ma Gm=8100/8300 - faded printing (on right)


Tested on Amplitrex

Good Ma = 12-16ma

Good Gm = 8000 - 8500


- Berning ZH270
- Exemplar linestage
- Loth-X 300B
- modded Denon 2900 CD player
- mu follower of CJ PV8 
- Conrad Johnson PV-5, PV-8 preamp

See more: vacuum tube
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