(!!!) (Recommended Pair) EF184 Mullard branded Philips NOS 1965 (9.8ma and 10.0ma) 1-2% matched

(!!!) (Recommended Pair) EF184 Mullard branded Philips NOS 1965 (9.8ma and 10.0ma) 1-2% matched

By Tube World

$ 59.99

1 pair) EF184 Mullard branded Philips NOS 1965 in Philips boxes

1 tube) 9.8ma Gm=14,300

1 tube) 10.0ma Gm=14,300

Tested on Amplitrex



Vgrid= -2.5V

Good Ma range 9-11ma

Good Gm range = 13-15,000

- Shindo preamp
- Klimo Beltaine 300B amplifier
- Graaf GM20
- Aitos 800Ren amp 1978
- Octave HP500 MK III preamp
- Futterman H-3-AA mono OTL

See more: vacuum tube
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