(!) (Recommended Pair) 76 Sylvania black plate branded Tungsol and Westinghouse NOS 1946 (5.6ma and 5.4ma)

(!) (Recommended Pair) 76 Sylvania black plate branded Tungsol and Westinghouse NOS 1946 (5.6ma and 5.4ma)

By Tube World

$ 49.99

1 pair) 76 Sylvania black plate branded Tungsol/Westinghouse NOS 1946 same build

1 tube) 5.6ma Gm=1300 Tungsol made in 1946 branded Tungsol in 1951

1 tube) 5.4ma Gm=1400 Westinghouse


Matched on Amplitrex



Good Ma range = 4.5 - 5ma

Good Gm range = 1300-1400


See more: vacuum tube
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