(!!!) (single) ECC81=12AT7 Philips Miniwatt by Mullard UK like new

(!!!) (single) ECC81=12AT7 Philips Miniwatt by Mullard UK like new "o" getter 1957 (8.2/7.6ma) (Mitcham plant)

$ 74.99

1 low noise tube) ECC81=12AT7 Philips Miniwatt by Mullard UK like new "o" getter 1957 (R) Mitcham plant UK in white box

1 section) 8.2ma Gm=5000

1 section) 7.6ma Gm=4200

  • (Sweet and Smooth 12AT7) 

(rich midrange, lots of harmonic structure, good bass)

- Fender Super Reverb - Super Reverb Phase Inverter position V6
- Ensemble Evocco Integrated amp 1998
- Fender 65 Twin Reverb

See more: vacuum tube
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