(!!!!) (Best Mullard Pair) E88CC=6922 Mullard England NOS Mitcham plant 1968 (12.0/12.5ma and 11.8/13.0ma) (rich and textured 3D midrange, sweet) 1-3% matched

(!!!!) (Best Mullard Pair) E88CC=6922 Mullard England NOS Mitcham plant 1968 (12.0/12.5ma and 11.8/13.0ma) (rich and textured 3D midrange, sweet) 1-3% matched

$ 349.99

1 low noise pair) E88CC=6922 Mullard England NOS Mitcham plant (R) NOS gold pins

1 tube) 12.0/12.5ma Gm=11200 and 11300 (7L1-R8J1=1968)

1 tube) 11.8/13.0ma Gm=11100 and 11800 (7L1-R8C1=1968) 


- low noise

- not microphonic

- rich midrange

- good bass

- sweet and smooth highs



Matched on Amplitrex



Good Ma range 12-15ma

Good Gm range 11,000 - 12,500


(lush-rich-liquid midrange, sweet top end, very 3-dimensional, good bass)
(very listenable 6922, this is a tube for you if you like midrange, it is not as neutral as a 6922 Siemens)

- Avalon
- Audio Research
- Decco
- Manley Steelhead
- Rode
- Lamm hybrid amp
- Blacknote CDP 500
- CJ LP66S

- Parks Budgie preamp

See more: vacuum tube
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