(!!!) (Recommended Single) E80CC=6085 Philips SQ Holland NOS 1967 (5.8ma/6.9ma) (close Gm)

(!!!) (Recommended Single) E80CC=6085 Philips SQ Holland NOS 1967 (5.8ma/6.9ma) (close Gm)

$ 99.99

E80CC=6085 Philips SQ Holland NOS 1967

5.8ma Gm=2600

6.9ma Gm=2700


(6085 specs are similar to 12AU7, but 6085 has slightly higher plate resistance, lower Gm and lower Mu)

(10,000+ hour Dual Triode, very good audio tube, recommended)

(Shock and vibration resistant)
(Vfil=12.6V @ 300ma or 6.3V @ 600ma)

- Eastern Electric Minimax (sub for 12AU7)
- Bottlehead headphone amp
- Audio Note L3 phono kit

Vplate = 300V
Iplate = 12ma
Plate Dissipation = 2W


See more: vacuum tube
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