(!!!!) (Best Single) JAN-5687WB GE NOS 1972 (34.6/35.6ma)

(!!!!) (Best Single) JAN-5687WB GE NOS 1972 (34.6/35.6ma)

$ 59.99

1 low noise tube) JAN-5687WB GE NOS 1972

1 section) 34.6ma Gm=11,150

1 section) 35.6ma Gm=11,600


Tested on Amplitrex

(tubes etched 5687WB)

7119 is best sub for a 5687 and visa versa


best for:

- Modwright preamp
- Audio Note DAC 4
- Audio Note Jinro amp
- Audio Note L3
- Audio Note M3 preamp
- Manley

- Marsh
- Ray Samuels Raptor and B52
- Aria VW5XL
- Modwright Sony DVP999ES
- Audion 845 Black Shadow
- Bottlehed Smack

- Zanden

See more: vacuum tube
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