43 US Brands used/good (6 in stock)
44 Philco Balloon
44 Premier NOS 1940's
44 Sylvania balloon used/good 1940's
46 RCA NOS 1940's (60.4ma Gm=3210)
46 Sylvania NOS 1940's (52ma Gm=2950)
4624 RCA NOS in factory sealed boxes 1960's (8 in stock) (sold as-is)
4654K=EL39 (sold out)
4699=EL6 Philips Miniwatt 1940's used/very good (45ma)
46=VT-63 Ken Rad used/tests like new 1940's (57.2ma Gm=2660)
47 RCA used/good 1940's rebranded Silvertone (30ma Gm=2150)
48 US Brands NOS (5 in stock)
482B=182 Sparton engraved base tests like new 1930's (21ma Gm=2000)
49 RCA NOS (1 in stock)
4BQ7A Raytheon NOS (5 in stock)
4CX250B=7203 Amperex used in Eimac box as-is
4CX250B=7203 RCA open box 1971
4CX250K=8245 Eimac like new 1963 was hermetically sealed (similar to 8172)
4CX250K=8245 Eimac NOS 1960's hermetically sealed (6 in stock) (similar to 8172)
4D22 Raytheon display tube