(!) 247=47 RCA Balloon used/60-65% 1930's (20ma)
(!) 247=47 Tungsol Balloon used/good 1930's (23.2ma)
(!) 31 Ken Rad NOS engraved base 1940 era (11ma)
(!) 31 Tungsol NOS 1940's (11.8ma)
(!) 47 Cunningham used/good 1940's (26.6ma Gm=2020)
(!) 47 Raytheon engraved base box plate used/good 1930's (25.2ma Gm=1940)
(!) 47 RCA Radiotron Balloon used/good 1930's (23.4ma)
(!) 47 RCA Radiotron engraved base used/good 1930's (27.5ma Gm=2250)
(!) 47 Sylvania branded Philco used/very good 1940's (28.6ma Gm=2650)
(!) 47 Tungsol Aristocrat low hours/tests like new 1940's (38ma Gm=2770) (highest mA and Gm)
(!) 59 RCA Radiotron NOS engraved base excellent condition 1930's (71/50)
(!) 5C22 ITT Electron Tube Division low hours/good condition 1967 some scratches on the base
(!) 6BQ5 GE used/good 1960's (35.5ma)
(!) 6BQ5 Sylvania black plate used/good 1960's (51ma)
(!) 6CB6A GE NOS (1 pair)
(!) 6DL5=EL95 Mullard Philips UK NOS 1969 (26.6ma)
(!) 6DL5=EL95 Philips Miniwatt Holland made in Moza Italy NOS 1965 (20ma)
(!) 6DL5=EL95 Philips Miniwatt Holland NOS 1960 (23.2ma)
(!) 6DL5=EL95 Siemens Germany branded RCA NOS 1969 (29ma)