(!!!) (Recommended Single) JTL-6X4WA Tungsol NOS 1962 curved "D" getter (55/40 and 60/40)
(!!!) (single) ECC81=12AT7 Philips Miniwatt by Mullard UK like new "o" getter 1957 (8.2/7.6ma) (Mitcham plant)
(!!!) (slightly microphonic) ECC81=12AT7 Miniwatt by Mullard NOS 1970 (9.6/10.6ma)
(!!!) JTL-6X4W Tungsol NOS 1955 curved "D" getter halo (45/40 and 52/40)
(!!) (#1 12AU7 Raytheon from 1954) 12AU7 Raytheon gray ribbed plates "D" getter halo NOS 1954 (10.6/11.2ma)
(!!) (#1 12AU7 Raytheon from 1956) 12AU7 Raytheon gray ribbed plates super large "U" getter halo NOS 1956 (10.4/10.8ma) (High Ma and Gm)
(!!) (#1 12AU7A Raytheon 1960's single) 12AU7A Raytheon Uniline gray ribbed plates "O" getter NOS 1960's (8.2/11ma)
(!!) (1 set of 10 tubes) 404A Western Electric used/good 1963-1967 (set of 10)
(!!) (Best Single) E80F=6084 Philips SQ NOS Gold Pins 1971 (3.5ma)
(!!) (Best Value) EL84 Mitchell Amperex Holland made in Wien, Austria used/good "D" getter 1958 (rX3-A8G) (46.5ma)
(!!) (Best Value) EL84 Philips Miniwatt Import made in Wien, Austria like new "D" getter 1958 (42ma)
(!!) (Recommended Pair) 6CS7 Sylvania NOS black plates "U" getter 1950's same build (19/11.6ma and 18/11.4ma)
(!!) (Recommended Single) 5U4GA GE "D" getter NOS 1955 (57/40 and 59/50)
(!!) 12AU7A CBS black plates NOS 1960 era (9.5/11.8ma)
(!!) 5751W1 Sylvania triple mica "O" getter halo used/good early 1960's misbranded 12AX7WA (1.8/2.0ma)
(!!) 6BX7GT Sylvania "D" getter halo NOS 1950's (44/46ma) (close triode balance)
(!!) JG-12AY7 GE "D" getter 1956 used/good (2.1/2.3ma)
(!) (1950's Single) 12AT7WA Sylvania black plates triple mica "D" getter used/good 1950's (6.2/7.0ma)
(!) (BEST VALUE) EL34 Philips Holland brown base used/good 1960 era (95.5ma)
(!) (Pair) 404A Western Electric used/good 1963-1966 (17.0ma and 17.2ma)